The Need For A Personal Injury Lawyer

Things You Need To Know About Personal Injury Law

Personal injury cases are complex in nature. If you’ve been involved in such an accident, it is imperative that you’re reaching out to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. There is nothing stopping you from filing the case on your own but there are no guarantees that you will get what you’re looking for. In order to increase the chances of the claim being settled in your favor and getting maximum compensation, you will have no other option but to look for an experienced attorney. There are some things you should know about personal injury cases and we’re going to highlight some of them for you. When you suffer from a private injury, it’s best to rent a personal injury lawyer who can guide you about the method of creating a successful personal-injury claim. Regardless of the circumstances of the private injury, hiring a personal injury lawyer is very recommended because therein way you gain awareness about your rights and are led the proper way. You will get experienced personal injury attorney at injury law firms.

They’re More Than Just Car Accidents

Personal injury cases are usually associated with car accidents. This is because accidents form the majority of personal injury cases. A personal injury case will apply when a person suffers physical harm which is the result of someone else’s negligence. You can also file a personal injury lawsuit for defective consumer goods, dog bites, wrongful deaths, and unsafe premises.

Offers Are Not Always Fair

Even if you’re using an attorney, there is a high chance that you might not get what you’re looking for. If you choose to represent yourself, you might end up not getting the compensation that you deserve for your pain and suffering endured. Insurance companies have attorneys and accident reconstruction specialists and will do everything in their power to ensure that they’re paying as little as possible. You will not be doing yourself any favors if you don’t have an attorney by your side to aggressively fight for your rights.

Getting An Experienced Attorney Matters

The attorney you choose will make a big difference in the outcome of your case. You don’t want to be working with someone who is just from law school. If you’re a victim of a serious injury, you could be facing thousands of dollars in medical expenses. Since it is a long-term injury.

Compensation Is Extensive

There are several different types of compensation that you can get from a personal injury case. The money for compensation will include:

  • Property damage
  • Loss of earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Past and future medical expenses

A good attorney will ensure that all these factors are being taken into consideration when coming up with the final compensation package. For a wrongful death case, compensation can include:

  • Loss of consortium or companionship
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of financial support and benefits
  • Related medical expenses incurred prior to the death of the deceased

No One Case Is The Same

Every personal injury case is different, so you can expect different outcomes. The basic fundamentals are shared across the board and you can expect similarities in cases but they are never the same. An attorney will have to tackle each new case with a fresh perspective. It will be ignorant to make assumptions just because cases are similar to the surface.

Common Mistakes Personal Injury Clients Make

Worrying that a court hearing will involve a jury.

A civil claim, like a personal injury claim or clinical negligence claim, in the unlikely event that it goes to a trial, will be in front of a judge, not a jury. It’s not scary. I estimate that only 1% of claims go to trial – and these are usually the enormous claims or ones where the insurers sense that the claimant hasn’t been entirely truthful.

Assuming that your lawyer always has your case in their mind.

If only this was true. A personal injury lawyer may have over 200 clients at any one time, depending upon how complex the claims are and how much help they have. Some unqualified paralegals have 500 claims (usually road traffic accidents). My recommendation is that a client should frequently engage with their lawyer, nudging the lawyer if the lawyer appears to have forgotten them. Incidentally, if you become aware that your case handler has a ridiculously high number of claims to deal with, you should look into switching to another firm of solicitors.

Thinking your question might be stupid so not asking it.

Some adverts suggest that making a personal injury claim is easy-peasy, so you might feel you can’t ask a question because your lawyer will think you are thick! Do not think like this. This is your claim and you have a right to know what is going on. It isn’t your day job to understand this area of law. Ask, ask, ask. I bet your lawyer couldn’t do your job. Personal injury law is really complicated. Frequently my team of brilliant lawyers will disagree on a point – which proves that there aren’t always black and white answers to questions. So feel free to ask your lawyer.

Assuming a compensation claim will be easy.

I never tell my clients this because it rarely is all that easy. Sure, some claims, particularly road traffic accidents, can be fairly straight-forward, but most claims have their complexity. And I never think that bringing a claim against an employer is easy. It is something that you need to think about carefully. You never know, when you bring a claim, whether you will need to go to court to give evidence as a lawyer cannot know how the other side will approach your claim. Discuss the advantages and potential disadvantages of bringing a claim.

Failing to keep key evidence.

OK, so you have had an accident, the first thing you should do after you have looked after yourself is to gather evidence. See the accident scene as a murder scene. Preserve evidence. If you have a mobile phone with a camera, take numerous photos and video. Write everything down. Speak to every witness who is there because witnesses are often reluctant to help you out a few months later. What are the conditions like? Where were the bushes and tree obscuring your view? Were the streetlights on? Which direction was the sun coming from? If you have had a car accident, take photos of the positions of the car, if you can. Get paperwork. Be forensic because, as a claimant, you have to prove that someone else’s negligence caused your accident. You may not choose to bring a claim, but if you haven’t gathered evidence, then you may make any claim much harder to bring.

Qualities to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney

Bad things happen to good people, unfortunately. Certain events in life can be frustrating, and loves can change in an instant at the hands of someone else’s negligence. The Ticktin Law Group personal injury attorneys can help you. Whether you were injured by a distracted or drunk driver or experienced an injury in a slip and fall on someone else’s property, we have your back.

When dealing with a personal injury, you need a qualified personal injury attorney to represent your best interests. Take a look at these qualities that you should look for in a personal injury attorney:

Legal Advice and Compassionate Care

Your personal injury attorney should not be strictly business, but also caring and helpful. The best personal injury attorneys are motivated by the opportunity to solve problems for those who have been hurt. Good personal injury attorneys keep the best interests of their clients in mind at all times. This often means working long hours, doing research, meeting with clients and their families, and generally going above and beyond to reach a successful settlement.

Respect of Their Peers

When choosing your personal injury attorney, you should look or lawyers who have earned the respect of their peers. Also, pay attention to the groups they are involved in – like local, regional, and national groups, or listings, and journals. This respect comes with consistently providing successful results and accumulating experience in the field.

Experience and Ability

Look at your potential personal injury attorney’s track record for settlements and verdicts that they won. Those who have the knowledge and natural talent to handle your case are best positioned for success without the need for a long, drawn-out court battle.


Finding a personal injury attorney who truly cares about you and who will make the time to be available to answer your questions is very important. Your attorney should go the extra mile to educate you on the legal process and explain the process.

Clients Want Someone Trustworthy

Just like you, clients don’t want to get into business with someone they don’t trust. Thanks to misinformation, there’s already a pervasive mistrust of lawyers, and personal injury attorneys in particular.

Trustworthy attorneys are those who have a good track record with previous clients. Most people shopping for an attorney will rely on previous clients who they believe will be truthful about their experience. To gauge the reputation of a law firm, clients will generally browse reviews of the business online on sites like Yelp, Google, or Avvo.

To ensure that prospective clients see you as trustworthy, take care in managing your online reputation. It goes without saying that it is important to remain in good standing with your state bar.

Clients Want an Expert

No, clients don’t care what articles you’ve written – in most cases they wouldn’t know where to look for those. They simply want to know if you have the experience and clout to win their case.

For this information, clients will browse your website for past cases; it helps to mention specific settlement dollar amounts. They may also look to your blog, to learn more about your legal interests. If you have received any awards relevant to your work as a personal injury lawyer, include them on the home page.

Clients Want an Effective Communicator

Clients have a hard time relating to someone who only speaks “legalese.” They want a lawyer they can understand, who answers their calls, and keeps them informed on the status of their case.

Prospective clients will be able to see your communication skills in your blog or in any videos you have online. If you don’t have either, you might be missing out on attracting new clients to your firm.

Your past clients will be likely to mention your communication skills or lack thereof in their reviews. Making your clients feel heard and understood often falls to your staff. It’s important to train your employees in effective communication skills.

When Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Generally, anyone who sustains an injury can benefit from a personal injury lawyer’s guidance and advice. However, there are some cases in which it is strongly advised that you talk with a lawyer as soon as possible. Cases that indicate you might need a personal injury lawyer include:

  • Cases involving multiple parties who could share liability for your injuries and damages, such as a commercial truck accident or a defective medical device claim
  • Claims involving government entities, including car accidents with government vehicles, trains, or buses
  • Injuries that result in permanent impairments and disabilities, including cases involving catastrophic injuries
  • Cases that involve product liability laws or premises liability laws
  • Claims for childhood injuries, including birth injuries and daycare cases
  • Cases involving claims of comparative fault
  • Injuries arising from medical malpractice claims

If you are unsure whether you need a personal injury lawyer to represent you, it is wise to talk with a lawyer before making decisions regarding your case.